Fluxx Dice Expansion Card Game Review

The idea of adding dice chucking action to Fluxx sounds fun, that is… until you play it. This expansion is comprised of 2 dice (each with draw and play numbers) and five cards. Of the five cards 2 aren’t shuffled into the deck, so effectively you’re only adding 3 cards into the mix and one […]
It’s Time To Play More Games

Our culture seems to have a very defined and narrow view of what constitutes “acceptable” play for adults. As an adult male over the age of 30 (heck, I’m over 40), the range of acceptable play includes: poker, golf, pick-up basketball, tennis, racquetball/squash, fantasy football, and whatever iOS app has enough critical mass to be […]
Otherworld Adventure – Ordinary People, Extraordinary Adventures

When trying to describe Otherworld Adventure, I find myself talking more about what it isn’t than what it is. Otherworld Adventure isn’t a LARP (Live Action Role Playing Game), although it takes place in a fictional setting, and you don’t really play a character, use an accent, or pretend to be someone. Otherworld is all […]
Kahuna Board Game Review

Kahuna is a STRICTLY 2 PLAYER area control game. The game runs three rounds where players take turns playing cards and building bridges within the 12 islands of the archipelago Kahuna. Control the most bridges to an island and you control the island. It’s a very simple concept, but the game increases in difficulty as […]
Coloretto Game Review

Coloretto is a very simple game to set up and learn. At it’s core it’s a “trick taking” game where you place colored cards in different piles and then push your luck by taking these piles at the right time to maximize the number of “good” cards you are collecting while trying to have your […]
Cockroach Poker (Kakerlakenpoker) Game Review

Cockroach Poker (Kakerlakenpoker) is one of the easiest and fun bluffing card games out there. The deck has 64 cards, 8 cards of 8 different “bugs”. The deck is dealt out among the players. With the starting player, a player passes a card face down to another player exclaiming “This is a…(and the name of […]
Adventure Time Fluxx Game Review

It’s important to note that for the most part Fluxx is Fluxx. There are so many themed versions out there, but they all fundamentally play the same way: each player must navigate through ever changing rules and goals to win (ie, the name of the game comes from this fluctuation of rules and goals). […]
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Wrath of the Righteous Base Set Review

In my youth I used to play “pen and paper” RPG games like Dungeons and Dragons. Pathfinder Adventure Card Game tries to simulate that kind of adventuring / Dungeon crawling experience in a card based game. This set was my first introduction to the series which has an extremely difficult on-ramping. The directions are very […]
Ubongo Puzzle Game Review

Ubongo is a deceptively simply game where you race to assemble Tetris like pieces into a defined area. At first glance it looks very easy to do, IT ISN’T! And that’s half the fun. Each player starts out with 12 identical colored puzzle pieces a dice role correlates to a position on a puzzle map […]
Batman Fluxx Card Game Review

Fluxx is a game where as you play the rules and goals shift. For some this moving target is a delight, while others it is extreme frustration. While the basic structure of Fluxx is the same, there are now a ton of different themed versions. For Batman, Looney Labs draws from the Batman animated series.. […]